Sunday, 9 May 2010

NEW PROJECT: Slaughter is the Best Medicine

(By Rishi Thaker and Daniel Tee, Directors of Stickmen Pictures)

Hello all. Following hot on the heels of the success we have had with 'The Plumber', for which we surpassed our targeted 1000 viewers within three months purely by word of mouth (that means someone watched the film every two hours!), we are now on to the next big thing...

We have decided that the time has come to make our first feature film, with a working title of 'Slaughter is the Best Medicine'. It will be about a group of renegade commandos and a mission to find a weapon like no other, deep in a sinister forest. As you can imagine, an ambition not for the faint-hearted and in keeping with Stickmen Pictures' philosophy of never being afraid to try new and daring things.

Thanks for keeping up-to-date with our progress. As ever, we'll be needing your support to create this masterpiece for you and the world!

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