(by Rishi Thaker)
And now the month of
March comes to a close and we’re another step closer to completing Slaughter,
releasing Slaughter, getting to Cannes, going Stickmen Pictures wild there, and
ultimately getting – in the words of the genius Mr Reznor – ‘closer to God’.
Chris White (Piggyback Studios) |
In terms of thoughts
for this week, I have been thinking about ‘Peace on Earth’. I’m guessing most
of us have heard this phrase and every time something violent or destructive
occurs in this world which catches our attention we may possibly yearn a little
bit for the fulfilment of that phrase? I tried projecting in my head an extreme
scenario as to what that would look like and this is where I got to:
People would love and
respect everyone. Everyone would be forgiven for whatever was felt they needed
forgiving for. There would be no conflict and no one would hate each other.
There would be no boarders, no barriers, no taxes, no need for economy, no
finance, no law and no need to ‘feed the war cannibal animal’. Everyone would
live in harmony. There would be no sport (everyone’s a winner), no killing (we
must all eat vegetables), no drugs (too unpredictable and a threat to global security
under the ‘Peace for All’ act) and no controversy.
I realise that I am
pushing to some odd extremity here but there is something strange about
yearning for peace when what makes us human seems to defy it. I was left
thinking that if we got to ‘Peace on Earth’ would we need movies? Or even Art
in general? Movies have captured and generated every type of emotion and
explored the rights and wrongs of human existence. This has in turn caused
enjoyment, reflection and change. If we plateau at Peace, will we need movies
(or art)? I don’t know and I guess there is a can of a billion 200ft pythons we
can open here but I ended up getting to the conclusion that I hope we do get
peace on earth eventually which begins from the day I die.