Saturday, 25 February 2012

Slaughter Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Medicine

(by Rishi Thaker)

Greetings from the murky world of planet Derboo. In an attempt to keep you people interested I wanted to give you an update regarding the latest scenes that we are adding into Slaughter.
Firstly, Dan is now in motion and we are cutting the major action sequence which with, when finished, we officially want to challenge the opening sequence of ‘Quantum of Solace’ in regards to which is better. Granted we have an advantage in that we are making our scene after theirs but then we haven’t had $200 million to waste. In fact we had a grand total of 7 boys and a girl (inc Dan and I) to shoot the most exciting, thrilling and heart pumping zero-budget opening sequence in motion picture history! You’ll have a chance to see the evidence in some fabulous photographs taken by our man Mick which will be up on the site soon. The saliva is gushing like a waterfall sausage-side in Niagara.
Secondly, there is some tremendous excitement being generated by the new Brother’s introduction sequence. It is going to be action packed, and we are particularly proud of this one as it was one of our toughest shoots (temperature hit minus 10 degrees Celsius) and the 8 of us involved in it showed that with drive, determination and passion you can achieve anything. It was so rewarding knowing the sacrifice all involved gave just because they love making films. You guys were amazing.
Before I leave I want to say that I still don’t know whether General Melchitt is sly or not and that after watching Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace in 3D (how I wish I could keep re-releasing the same critically slated film and still keep those cinemas packed – whatever you think of Lucas there is something to be admired here!) Asch has decided she wants to become a Jedi – poor girl has only just discovered Star Wars – and will like approx 3,000 of you claim to follow Jed-ism in the next census! What is she on?
Check out the caption game ( and keep your eyes peeled for the next Blog where I will unravel some more of the Cannes plan!!!!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Ides of February

(by Rishi Thaker)

So here it is, 2 months into 2012 and I reckon it’s time to show you all my cards:

Firstly, I (and possibly Dan too but he’s a busy boy these days with all that CGI he has promised the world – no pressure) am going to be blogging more regularly (hopefully weekly at a minimum) so please tune in if you are interested to see where Stickmen Pictures is flying to next!

We recently completed shooting 2 new scenes for the juggernaut that is ‘Slaughter is the Best Medicine’ and have a couple more shoots on the agenda for March. The reason we are doing these new scenes is twofold:

1) Because we think it’s going to add even more to what we think is a great film
2) Ants in our pants (or in Laurence’s case – perished thongs)

I want to thank all the individuals who have dusted their boots and jumped on round 2 of the Slaughter Band Wagon, in particular a couple of additions to our cast in the form of Colin Murtagh (you terrorist) and the awesome Rob Reinaldo (my vote for the next Mr Universe!!!!!). We hope to have our additional scenes completed in time for…

…the Cannes Film Festival in May! More on this to come but I’ll be there this year so if you fancy it, book your flights and let’s ‘Slaughter’ everyone!

Finally does anyone know if General Melchitt in the final episode of ‘Blackadder Goes Fourth’ is actually being sly when he sends Captain Darling off to the front line or is he genuinely stupid for thinking this is what Darling wants? It only occurred to me recently that I don’t know the answer to this and on watching it again I am still unclear. If you know Mr Fry ask him for me!

Cheers Rishi