(by Rishi Thaker, Director of Stickmen Pictures)
In the aftermath of what felt an exhausting but well executed music video (with zero budget and bags of positive attitude) we at Stickmen Pictures were hatching our summer proposal. It turned out to be a piece called The Plumber.
Dan had, for the past couple of years, drummed away at my consiousness in regard to the idea of creating a movie version of an interactive book. These being the kind where you as the reader hit a point in the story and have to make a series of choices that determines your own personal storyline.
It wasn’t until recently that Dan had actually found a way to edit a film version of this book spectacle and stick it on our website at www.stickmenpictures.co.uk.
After much discussion Dan began writing what would become the first pages of the Interactive Film, The Plumber. He showed me what he had done, and in effect sold the idea to me. We subsequently developed the rest of the script and logistics being really efficient with our pre-production in order to meet the tight deadline we had set ourselves. This was after all a summer flirtation and we wanted to play with something different in the winter months!
After much phone calling and group meetings we settled upon a small team who would best help us achieve our goal of carrying out this ground breaking film-making whilst adhering to our deadlines. This was also further complicated by the fact that an ordinarily two and a half day shoot was crammed into one, due to unforeseen circumstances (something we always encounter).
I will name and credit the cast and crew individually as their efforts cannot be justified by a big group ‘well done’ so to speak.
Steve Kirk (Kirky), played the lead of the Plumber. Kirky has never acted before and was tasked with carrying this interactive film first time out. Not easy by any stretch. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Kirky’s massive effort in keeping focused and his ability to act. As mentioned earlier Kirky has no experience of acting, but this was masked by a great desire and determination to get the job done to the best of his ability. It was a long day due to the volume we had to shoot but Kirky remained disciplined and I swear you’ll never see anyone getting tasered better than this man. He is the Plummer.
Lucy Redfern (soon to be Lucy Kirk – I’m not kidding). Lucy (Kirky’s better half) is also a first time performer on this piece. Lucy had arguably the most intimidating of roles to perform, given that she hadn’t previously acted, that she was the youngest on the set, and that her character shows the most desperation as well as wears the least amount of clothing! Once again, a huge task for Lucy but one she performed with an exemplary attitude. Her attention to detail when it came to her own costume was great to see (and I really don’t mean that in a perverted sense). What she lacked in her acting experience she more than made up with her energy, enthusiasm and discipline. A thoroughly great effort and there is great potential for Lucy’s acting ability should working on this film not have scared her to do it again! I hope she does.
Cash Flagg Jr. This man is better known for his work behind the camera, however after this performance I’m sure there will be much interest to get him in the spot light more often. This show stealing performance he gave as the wife-beating husband will definitely go down in my personal bank of comedy folklore, and that’s no exaggeration. As Dan will testify, I usually laugh a lot during this phase of the film-making process, but I can’t remember many times when I have laughed more than on editing Cash Flagg’s scenes . A hugely creative effort, with much of the character coming straight from his head as opposed to the script, and some slide splitting ad-libbing. A joy to watch and be a part of.
Joe Atom, as the Pervert. If I wanted to I could probably write for a lifetime of the many talents of Joe Atom when it comes to performing arts or indeed music (his number one passion). It’s this that has led me to believe Joe wasn’t actually acting when he graced us with his ‘heart-rendering’ cameo. He was, in fact, just being himself. There is simply no other way to put it, otherwise I’d have to call him a genius. A cameo to rival the great cameos in cinema history – this is one choice you will want to hit upon. Good luck.
Daniel Tee, Producer/Writer/Cameraman/Editor – Our one man band. I won’t say too much about Dan, as he is a partner in Stickmen Pictures and his role goes was beyond his efforts on this piece. He was as ever, ready and willing to go at pace and with quality. His passion for film-making is as unwavering since the day we formed Stickmen Pictures.
Amika Surani, Assistant Director – This was a difficult role to perform as it was probably the most boring yet without it, the film would not have been made. Amika, ever the extrovert, in my opinion is made to be in front of the camera so that her charms can entice the viewer into the world that is presented (as she did on Sparks). However she has put in much devotion to perform the less glamorous work behind the camera to make sure the production went as well as it could. Her personality also kept the day lively the spirits up. A highlight for Amika would be her debut, as Director, for one shot as the actual Director showed a complete lack of professionalism at that time, because he couldn’t stop laughing. Amika stepped in and got the shot done after promptly ridding the set of disgraceful Director.
Laurence Caulton, Sound Man - A solid performance as ever by our Israelite. His efficiency and discipline (something out of normal character) in capturing sound has made Loz, a Stickmen Pictures regular. Never a problem and always helpful, Loz has demonstrated the kind of characteristics that will raise the bar within what Stickmen Pictures operates. He has done all this as well as retain his sense of fun on set. I know he loves it when Stickmen Pictures rolls in to do another film and long may that continue.
All in all a successful spot of film-making. A great effort by everyone involved and I know it will provide much enjoyment to those that view and play ‘The Plumber’. Let’s hope word gets around as I believe this will be yet another great platform to plead our case for funding on our next project.
See you soon,
Rishi Thaker